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Information Security Response Team Nepal (Infosec Nepal) Formed

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Information Security Response Team Nepal (Infosec Nepal)  Formed under the leadership of Chiranjibi Adhikari. Infosec Nepal (the Nepalese Information Security Response Team) is a nonprofit information technology (IT) security organization. The purpose of Infosec Nepal is to respond to computer security incidents, report on vulnerabilities and promote effective ICT security practices throughout the country.

The Founder Director of Information Security Response team Nepal are as follows: Chiranjibi Adhikari, Kumar Pudasaini, Sudip Sharma, Narayan Chhetri, Niranjan Khakurel, Sovita Dahal, Rabin Subedi, Dilli Pd. Sharma, Netra Poudel, Arjun Adhikari and Ram Krishna Dahal.  The objectives of the Information Security Response Team Nepal are as follows:

Our Objectives: –
•    Improve Information Security Awareness level
•    Coordinate national and international efforts towards promoting Information SecuritY Be
st practices and creating trust among cyber world.
•    Promoting and supporting a trusted e-transactions environment.
•    Information Security Skills and capacity building.

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