Site icon Inititative Will Beam Free Internet

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World’s largest social networking site, our very own closest friend Facebook is about to project such type of satellite through which in the pathless places of the country like Africa will have access to the internet and people can easily use internet through their mobile phone. Isn’t Facebook doing a great job? The Internet has been like an identical part of our human life. It, not only the source of entertainment but also gives various information; it also takes our ear where the news is. We can get in touch with our near and dear ones and so on.

Fancies Internet Company in a collision with Eutelsat, Facebook has done planning for distributing free internet service to everyone from space. In the starting of 2016, they will project that satellite, declared by the founder and CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg.

Mark Zuckerberg has written in his Facebook post, “We are doing our best to connect the world in one place, and we are continuing this work, this also means we are looking outside of the planet as well.”

According to Facebook’s debated project includes the access of internet through space.  The spaceship which is to be projected is in the state of construction.

Facebook has aimed to provide the free internet facility through the use of the medium of a satellite system according to the late planning.

 “Whole last year Facebook kept on researching about sending the waves of internet through ships and satellites from the sky on earth”, Zuckerberg has written, “To connect the people surviving in pathless areas towards internet, traditional structure is very sophisticated and will also be insufficient, because of this reason it is imperative for us to discover new technology.”

According to him, the internet which will be provided through AMOS 6 named that satellite will mostly cover the western, eastern and southern part of Africa.

According to the fact of the nation, in the world, more than the half people are still far away from the access of the internet. Remember this, in the last month of June; Facebook has opened their 1st office in Africa continent in South Africa’s Johannesburg.

Facebook, actually is doing a great job by trying to connect the people from the world in one place through the medium of internet facility.

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