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Internet Users Of The World Increasing Rapidly

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Around 40 %  of the world population has an internet connection today. Back in 1995, this percentage was less than 1%.

The Internet has truly turned the world into one global society. As a result, the number of Internet Users has skyrocketed in the past two decades. With the fast pace growth and availability of technology and the increasing usage of the internet, people all over the world have embraced it.

The year 2005 saw the internet user number reaching the first billion. In 2010 the number touched second billion and 2014 saw the internet user population reaching the third billion with a total of 40.4% penetration.

The chart & tablebelow shows the number of global internet users per year since 1993:

Internet Users in the World Internet Year (as of July 1)

Year========== Internet Users
1993========== 14161570
1994========== 25454590
1995========== 44838900
1996========== 77433860
1997========== 120758310
1998========== 188023930
1999========== 280866670
2000========== 413425190
2001========== 500609240
2002========== 662663600
2003========== 778555680
2004========== 910060180
2005========== 1029717906
2006========== 1157500065
2007========== 1373040542
2008========== 1562067594
2009========== 1752333178
2010========== 2034259368
2011========== 2272463038
2012========== 2511615523
2013========== 2712239573
2014========== 2925249355
(July 1)
Internet Users Users
World Population Population
(% of Pop. with Internet)
2014 2,925,249,355 7.9% 7,243,784,121 1.14% 40.4%
2013 2,712,239,573 8.0% 7,162,119,430 1.16% 37.9%
2012 2,511,615,523 10.5% 7,080,072,420 1.17% 35.5%
2011 2,272,463,038 11.7% 6,997,998,760 1.18% 32.5%
2010 2,034,259,368 16.1% 6,916,183,480 1.19% 29.4%
2009 1,752,333,178 12.2% 6,834,721,930 1.20% 25.6%
2008 1,562,067,594 13.8% 6,753,649,230 1.21% 23.1%
2007 1,373,040,542 18.6% 6,673,105,940 1.21% 20.6%
2006 1,157,500,065 12.4% 6,593,227,980 1.21% 17.6%
2005 1,029,717,906 13.1% 6,514,094,610 1.22% 15.8%
2004 910,060,180 16.9% 6,435,705,600 1.22% 14.1%
2003 778,555,680 17.5% 6,357,991,750 1.23% 12.2%
2002 662,663,600 32.4% 6,280,853,820 1.24% 10.6%
2001 500,609,240 21.1% 6,204,147,030 1.25% 8.1%
2000 413,425,190 47.2% 6,127,700,430 1.26% 6.7%
1999 280,866,670 49.4% 6,051,478,010 1.27% 4.6%
1998 188,023,930 55.7% 5,975,303,660 1.30% 3.1%
1997 120,758,310 56.0% 5,898,688,340 1.33% 2.0%
1996 77,433,860 72.7% 5,821,016,750 1.38% 1.3%
1995 44,838,900 76.2% 5,741,822,410 1.43% 0.8%
1994 25,454,590 79.7% 5,661,086,350 1.47% 0.4%
1993 14,161,570 5,578,865,110 0.3%
Source: Live Internet Stats (elaboration of data by International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and United Nations Population Division)

Internet Users by Region

As of July 1, 2013:

Asia-Americas (North and South) EuropeAfricaOceania48.4%9.8%19%21.8%

World Geographic Regions Percentage of global internet users
Asia 1322491069
Americas (North and South) 596331291
Europe 520381481
Africa 268209162
Oceania 25109590

Source: Live Internet Stats (elaboration of data by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and United Nations Population Division). 

The above chart shows that Asia has the highest number of internet users followed by the American continents and then by Europe.  The data trend shows that the number of internet users will continue to grow at a rapid rate with Asia and America sharing the largest percentage of global internet users.

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