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Internship Experience At Daraz: Vox Pop

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Daraz- the leading online store of Nepal obviously gets an extreme amount of pressure during its working hour. Every day the employees of Daraz have to handle various kinds of problems since it is the largest online shopping store of the entire nation. Performing works in such kind of business hub can be definitely a tough thing.

In this post, we have prepared a vox pop of Daraz’s intern regarding their work experience in the company.

Sonika Shakya

After completing my bachelors I was in total confusion for my upcoming days, then suddenly I got an opportunity to do intern in Daraz, I was so happy at that time. Earlier I had no any experience of working in any kind of companies, after enrolling to Daraz I gained knowledge about different things. I really had a good time over here.  The environment over here is very supportive. The colleagues over here were like my own family members; very inspiring and loving.

 Amrita Sthapit

The experience was really amazing. It was a great working with such a great company. The co-workers and seniors are very helpful they guided me in every hour of internship. I am so much thankful towards Team Daraz.

Malin Shrestha 

Everything and everyone around here they were so good to me. It was a great experience to work with such an amazing team.

Bibek Chaudary

Everyday Daraz taught me a new thing. While working in the company I explored various things. I have experienced a huge pressure while dealing with customers and dealers. The company has totally a different style of working, you will never feel bored while working in Daraaz.

Sachita Shrestha

I really had a great time in Daraz. I don’t want to leave this place. Before entering Daraz I was not much more aware of the scope of online shopping in Nepal but after enrolling to the company I bagged various ideas regarding e-commerce.

Ritesh Parajuli

 The best thing about Daraz is its learning environment. Everyone in every department is very caring and helpful. Everyone in the company answers your question without any kind of hesitations.

Samjhana Subedi- Manager- CS at Daraz shared her experience of this year Black Friday intern.

“For me, this year’s Black Friday was like once in a lifetime experience. I had a great time working with all the interns, especially because all of them were equally cooperative, dedicated and self-motivated.

The best thing that I have found in this group of interns was positivity. We had different people with unique personalities within a team but all of them share similar attitude and that is attitude to learn”, said, Subedi.

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