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Interview With Cofounder Of Sagoon, Swati Dayal

sagoon cofounder swati dayal

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Swati Dayal, Co-founder of, has come to Nepal for a few days visit. She has planned to share some light about Sagoon through CAN INFOTECH. Nepalese being more interested in Sagoon was one of the primary reason for her visit to the country. Here, we present you the conversation Barhakhari had with Swati Dayal:

What is the Main Objective Behind Visit to Nepal?

I love Nepal, and I do not miss a chance to visit Nepal ever. Since the operation of Sagoon, Nepalese have shown full support for Sagoon. Either from inside the country or outside, Nepalese has never stopped to show their enthusiasm and interests towards Sagoon. It is because of them we can reach this level of success. For this, I want to thank you all from the core of my heart. However, this time, one of my purpose of visit to Nepal is for CAN INFOTECH too. I supposed this was the best opportunity to talk about Sagoon. So I was in a kind of rush to come to Nepal.

During Observation in CAN INFOTECH, How was Youth’s Response to Sagoon?

Honestly, I did not think that there would be this massive amount of crowd at Sagoon booth. Everyone present there had a positive attitude towards the company. The opinions they held of Sagoon was one of the most significant encouragements for me. They liked the fact that Sagoon is different and preferred it for its distinct ingenuity.

What is the Primary Reason for Bringing Sagoon to Use?

The primary motive is to make communications between people more comfortable and convenient. The fact that Sagoon tries to bind people to social network in reality rather than in digitally has been the driving factor for Sagoon. The founder of Sagoon Govinda Giri was the first one who turned Sagoon into reality. Moreover, to give people an authentic taste of technology in countries like Nepal and India, which are falling behind in technology Sagoon was developed.

What are the critical features of Sagoon?

We recently introduced new features in Sagoon on 9 January 2018. The features include ‘My day,’ ‘Secret’ and ‘Mood Talk.’ ‘My day’ is like a daily routine designed to create your plan for the day. You can also include your important schedules through the feature ‘Reminder’ since most of us forget the important thing most of the time. Likewise, people can share their secrets via ‘Secret’ feature. ‘Mood Talk’on the other hand helps people to describe their mood and share it. After sharing it, other people can also talk.

How is the Response of People in South Asia?

Many consider Sagoon as the role model of Social network. They are quite happy to use this application. The number of people using Sagoon has already reached thousands in South Asia. They all have shown liking towards Sagoon.

What Is The Future Plan For Sagoon?

Our work schedule for this year is quite hectic. We have developed an Android app for Sagoon. We are also soon planning to create an app in IOS platform within this year too. The plan for Sagoon this year is to develop it to its fullest.

What is The Reason To Use This Application?

Giri founded Sagoon with the primary purpose to give it a unique identification in technology in entire South Asia and Nepal, especially with the aim to encourage people. Humans all should form a big community, and Sagoon will help with its formation. In addition to this, apps inside Sagoon has also helped people relieve their mental stress to some extent. Moreover, Sagoon is working to strengthen the relationship between each other through the app.

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