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Interview With CSIT Students Pujan Thapa And Nirmal Rijal

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How do you describe yourself?

Pujan: Youth, Innovator, Learner, Tech Geek, IT Student, Fast Learner.

Nirmal: I’d like to call myself a CSIT student at an Amrit Campus. Don’t wanna go physically and emotionally but technically a tech geek who is always hungry for technology. And always ready for learning and sharing knowledge.

     What interests you to apply for MSP Program?

Pujan: Microsoft itself is a huge company.
And MIC provides a platform to develop skills and use its products free of cost for MSPs. Moreover, it enhances knowledge and also extends leadership.

Nirmal: It was the event “Windows 8 Utsav” held in our community when I was in Grade 10. It was conducted in collaboration of our teachers with MIC Nepal where reputed MSPs and MCPs were present. Words from those MSPs was a very motivating factor for me. Though I was not much familiar with the MSP program, I was sure to apply for MSP program one day.

How do you think does it benefit the students?

Pujan: It provides skills, knowledge and competes students in different Microsoft Office Packages globally. Organizes various training workshops free of cost, etc.

Nirmal: The course we study in our curriculum is not sufficient for our career. It is only for studying before the exam and for the certificate after the exam. MSP program is the platform for those students who have courage for leadership, will to learn and share. During one MSP year, an MSP participates in different workshops, hackathon and patrons and many more which does develop not only their knowledge but also their personality for a future career. On physical aspects, MSP students will be provided with MSDN subscription which includes access to many of the Microsoft services for free and as per Allen Sir, different T-shirts on different events.

 How competent do you think you are for it?

Pujan: Well, that’s not in my hand, but I have given my best. I am noticeable and did all my tasks seriously and focused. I think I deserve for the MSP.

Nirmal: Our college Amrit Campus is the college with the highest number of MSP applicants for the year 2017, but only two students will be selected as MSP. So, competition is quite robust.
Everyone is making efforts on their own to get selected for MSP. Most of the applicants are my seniors. Thus, I would say that I am not a fierce competition but also say don’t take me the light.

How you ever participated in any programs of MIC Nepal?
If yes, have you gone together or individually?

Pujan: Yes, I always rush to MIC if I find any event going on. First, I always inform every friend about the game and I go with those friends who are interested in such circumstances. And yes, we are together most of the times. I have gone for Events like Game development and App Development and as well participated in MOS Championship in Excel 2013.

Nirmal: Yes, I had almost attended every event on MIC Nepal after I joined CSIT. Except for one occasion, Application Development Training, we had participated in every competition together.

 It directs me to the conclusion that you’ve done most of the things together. But only one of you will be selected there. How do you feel about it?

Pujan: Of course, it is always sad when there is a stringent selection. It is still not sure who gets selected. If I get chosen, then I will surely be happy as I will be spending my one year entirely focusing on MSP. And I wish my friend not to worry because MSP tenure is just for one year and wish him best of luck for next year as there is high probability next year for him. And if he gets selected, I wish him all the best and congratulate him for getting elected. My journey will not end because there are numbers of the platform I can get involved in.

Nirmal: Yes, there is competition between us too for being selected as MSP. The first feeling is the hope to get chosen as MSP and if not selected then apply for next year and till then learn from him what he knows.

 What are your expectations if you get selected for it?

Pujan: Nothing more but I wish I could be someone valuable among MSP. And compared to other friends I want to gain lots of experience in the field of Computing and Technology.

Nirmal: If in case I got selected for MSP then it will be like my class 10 dream comes true. Expectations are very high but hope to get it fulfilled is half. I would conduct as many programs as I can perform in that one year and try to share everything that I know. I would expect to get recognized by others because of my leadership and knowledge I provided them.

 Is there anything you want to share through this ICT frame?

Pujan: Yeah.  Involvement of Girls in IT sector is so less.
They generally end their career in Medical line. Even they lose a few years to study Nursing also. I want to tell everyone that IT is an emerging field and there is a lot of scope in this field.  At least know the syllabus and decide for your career.

 Nirmal: I always have a bunch of things to share with others.
But today, I would like to say every student who is reading this article that starts doing from today with basics whatever you know, don’t wait to be called by a big company for a big project. If you don’t have any knowledge, then don’t expect to be taught by others. Instead, start learning with resources what you have. Use technology to it’s optimum.

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