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Linux Forum in Nepal

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This guide is created as an overview of the Linux Operating System, geared toward new users as an exploration tour and getting started guide, with exercises at the end of each chapter. For more advanced trainees it can be a desktop reference, and a collection of the base knowledge needed to proceed with system and network administration. This book contains many real life examples derived from the author’s experience as a Linux system and network administrator, trainer, and consultant. They hope these examples will help you to get a better understanding of the Linux system and that you feel encouraged to try out things on your own

You will have the ability to post topics, receive our newsletter, use the advanced search, subscribe to threads and access many other special features. Registration is quick, free and straightforward.

This site is maintained by volunteers and is intended to provide a free resource for current and prospective Linux users in the Nepal.

You can get some pretty details stats about the Forums from the link at the foot of the main Forums page labelled.

The purpose of the Ubuntu Forums is to provide support for Ubuntu. We also want this to be a place where the community can develop, and we can enjoy one another’s a company. To achieve this, we strive to maintain an atmosphere that can be enjoyed by all, and we ask all members of the community to be respectful at all times. This means, please use etiquette and politeness. Treat people with respect. If you do this, the rest of the code of conduct won’t need more than a cursory mention.

This is a moderated forum, but only in the sense that we act to deal with content that violates the forum code of conduct when we become aware of it. The staff of this forum attempt to edit or remove any objectionable or illegal material as quickly as possible. However, with the volume of activity we have on our site it is impossible to review every message.

Users posting any content that violates this code of conduct may receive a warning or an infraction that creates a record of the behaviour and will be associated with the account (this record is only visible by the original poster and staff), may have their posts edited or removed, may have their account or IP address banned temporarily or permanently, and could have a report filed against them to their internet access provider. The IP addresses of all users are recorded to provide evidence or assist in enforcing these rules.

Posts which violate any part of this Code of Conduct may be edited or moved to a special holding area called “The Jail,” where they are preserved as evidence. Posts in The Jail are only visible to staff members and the original poster. The only exception is spam, or advertising-related posts, which are temporarily moved to a subforum of the Jail called Spam lot.

You agree that forum staff have the right to remove, edit, move or close any post, topic or thread at any time they see fit following the guidelines outlined below, or the posting tips which you can find here. You agree that the staff of this forum have the right to send a private message with a warning and/or censor any forum user who is in violation of forum policy.

General Policy

Respect the Forum Staff: We provide service in free time so don’t use abusive words be polite while talking with our staffs or post politely in The Resolution center.

Adult Content, Violence, illegal Activity: Message containing Violet, sexual or illegal content then you may jail or if you link those sited in Forum.

Trolling, Attacks and Flaming:

Trolling is posting in a way that provokes emotional responses.

Attacks and derogatory terms of any kind are not welcome. This includes references to any operating systems or the companies that produce them.

Flames are messages that personally attack or call any people names or otherwise harass. These, along with any generally condescending posts will be edited or removed at the moderators discretion.

Spam (unsolicited advertising): It will be banned.

Profanity: We have the all age group. Do not attempt to circumvent the language filter by using variations or slight misspellings of profanities

Politics: This topic caused serious problem. Discussion of politics is permissible.

Religion: This is forbidden topic for discussing on this topic you may consult another forum site where you can speech smoothly.

Thread Drifting/Steering: Topics that do not belong in the technical or 3rd party project sections belong in Ubuntu/Linux and Other OS or the Cafe

Report Posts: If you find a report or private message which is inappropriate then it violates the code of conduct.

Images: Image helps you to easily identify your problem and the way to face the problem. It is the best way of handling the problem.

Links: You may post link to your site which is permissible. You may also links to your personal websites.

Signatures: It is limited to four lines of text. Signature must content the same guidlines.

Avatars: Image must comply with the code of Conduct but image which shows the discret behaviour is not allowed.

Multiple Accounts: It must required only one account for another account You may contact with administrator.

Private Messaging: Private message is strongly discouraged and this is message for the code of conduct.

Editing of posts: The moderator should specify when the posts or guidlines are broken out. The moderator should report the post before editing.

Cracking: Cracking are not supported for any password or any Encryption.

Surveys: Before posting your survey first you show your survey to the Resolution Center.

If you’re asking for technical help, please be sure to include all your system them info, including operating system, model number, and any other specifics related to the problem. Also, please exercise your best judgment when posting in the forums. Revealing personal information such as your e-mail address, telephone number, and address is not recommended.

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