ICT Frame

Locus 2017, Mega Event in Nepal Start from 9th Feb

“Hack-a-Week”  “Build an Idea”

Yes, the most awaited techno-event franchise has come to town again with the theme ‘build an idea’. It’s the 14th National Technological event presented by LOCUS at pulchowk campus at lalitpur. LOCUS has scheduled this event for a week long and hence, named the event “Hack a Week”. This event is meant to bring together developers, programmers and tech-enthusiast to fashion out products in forms of marketing campaign, business modeling and software development, in a competitive and innovative manner. The team of participants will work on three categorized theme. This year the theme is Art and Culture, Entertainment and Social impact. Each category winner will be rewarded with NRS 15000 cash prize. The event is scheduled from Jan 31 (Tuesday) to Fab 06 (Monday).

Idea registration deadline is by January 25. Among them 5 best ideas from each category will be selected for further competition by Jan 27. The selected top 5 from each category have to pay an amount of NRS 1500 as a registration fee at LOCUS office before Jan 29.

Looking back to the year before, event by LOCUS, the winners in the categories Social impact, startup games and entertainment were secure immigration, Agric metric, and survival shooter (VR) respectively. Anyone with the team of 2-4 members with an innovative idea falling under any category among the three theme should surely participate and show their innovation side which can “Build an Idea”.