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Mobile Internet Speed Record Broken On World Fastest 4G Network

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No one has expected that one of the most prominent Finnish Internet Service Providers (ISP), Elisa Company would make the new record for the 4G network with 1.9 Gbps (gigabit-per-second) data download speed. It has given the fierce competition to the leading countries across the world in the perspective of fastest Mobile 3G and 4G speeds like Sweden and the United Kingdom. And set the new record by  Elisa Company with the help of technology provided by the Chinese telecom giant Huawei, which allow the real-world 4G users to download a blue-ray film in just 40-45 seconds.

Now let’s discuss on the future of Mobile Networks 4G and 5G.

A team of researchers from the University of Surrey had managed to achieve a record-breaking speed of 1 Tbps (terabit per second) during a test of 5G wireless data connections, and it is over 500 times faster than Elisa’s 4G speed. And this is done in February last year. Similarly, on the same year in June, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) decided that 5G compliant Internet providers would need to provide a standard data speed of up to 20Gbps and it is even ten times faster than Elisa’s 4G speed.

So the fastest available mobile 4G broadband subscription needs to provide the speed up to 300Mbps, and the maximum rate at present is provided by the Elisa’s Company of about 450Mbps.

Due to facts above, it has become essential to use Ultra-High Speed Mobile Internet, since higher speeds have the potential to connect more with the faster flow of information and it has become boon to both virtual realities and augmented reality as it helps to accelerate the mobile video market.

So the world that we are planning would have the fastest internet, and it is good as well to get data fast.

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