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MoU Between Beema Samiti (Insurance Board) And Nepal Certifying Company

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Signing Ceremony of the MoU between Beema Samiti and Nepal Certifying Company

On 7th March 2017, a Signing Ceremony was held in Beema Samiti premises to discuss the possible ways to promote the usage of Digital Signature Certificate in Nepal. Not only this, a penned signature for Digital Signature Certificate was also performed between Beema Samiti and Nepal Certifying Company.

The MoU was signed by Biplav Man Singh, Chairman of Nepal Certifying Company (NCC) and Mr. Chiranjibi Chapagain, President of Beema Samiti. 

Besides, to use this certificate, Biplav Man Singh said that Our secure and efficient Digital Signing solution can significantly increase your business efficiency by increasing application numbers while shortening processing and approval time of insurance policies or claims.

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