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MPercept Academy will host the first IoT Workshop

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July 22, 2019, Kathmandu

Bootcamp An Intensive Course on IoT (Internet of Things) Fundamentals Organized By MPercept Academy

“Here’s 2 Days 14 hours intensive IOT Training With Dedicated Raspberry PI and Sensors “. The 3rd and 4th of August MPercept Academy will host the first IoT Workshop aimed at any student or professional with a technological background. By this 14 hours workshop, the 15 chosen students will be able to build a fully IoT based automation system and apply IoT technology to our daily life gadgets. Every attendee will get a certificate, and the best students will be allowed to do an internship at MPercept Technology.

The main objective of the workshop is to understand IoT future vision and apply this technology to make things easier. By the end of the course, the students will have high command on Raspberry Pi and have the ability to build automation systems such as smart house system, burglary detection system, light automation, remote control system. It is also included in the workshop an introduction to AI & Cloud Computing in IoT, for students to have a broader knowledge on related fields.

The workshop will be provided with the necessary hardware resources to work individually, likewise Raspberry Pi, Sense Hat, and various other required sensors and parts. Besides, every student will have his book with all the contents of the program so they can keep it after the workshop.

Students will be taught by teachers with extensive experience in the industry, always focusing on practical matters and the possible appliances for companies. Participants will have a collaborative learning opportunity but also will have individual projects. There are only fifteen seats available, so hurry up and apply!
To register for the event, follow the following link:

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