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Narayani Development Bank To issue 1:1 Right Share From Magh 13

Narayani Development Bank Limited

28 January 2021, Kathmandu

Narayani Development Bank Limited (NABBC) is issuing 656,169 units of right shares in a 1:1 ratio to its shareholders. The right issue will remain open from Magh 13 until Falgun 3, 2077.

The company submitted an application to SEBON on 28th Karthik, 2077. Then the Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) has provided the approval on the right issue on Poush 20.

Global IME Capital Limited is the issue manager for the sale of the right share.

The company has announced the book closure for the issue of right share on Poush 29, 2077. Thus, the investor purchasing the shares of NABBC before that day are allowed to apply for the right shares.

The Company has already suggested another issue in the ratio 1:2 of the right shares. At Current, the paid-up capital of Narayani Development Bank is Rs.6,56,16,900. After the right offering, the capital will rise to Rs.13,12,33,800