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NASA Finally Re-established Its Contact With Missing Spacecraft

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Many headlines came in the market related to information technology. This time it had become a significant issue of lost spacecraft called STEREO-B. And there were many thoughts went in the public news, but the real facts of being lost were uncovered. Finally, it was found, so in this article, I would try my all attempts to summarize all those information about being lost and found in detail.

After a long period i.e., around two years, NASA was able to re-establish its contact with the missing spacecraft called STEREO-B. And this is all possible in tandem with another spacecraft called STEREO-A while studying about the sun.

 It is also found that the communication of STEREO-B was lost during a test of the spacecraft’s timer. Then the scientists had been testing the timer when STEREO-B’s line of sight and connection to Earth was blocked by the sun. During that time, STEREO-A was unaffected by testing and continued generally working over the past 22months while the STEREO-B was lost. And finally, with this help, they were able to find it.

To find STEREO-B, scientists from NASA used DEEP SPACE NETWORK, i.e., an array of giant radio antennas to track the interplanetary missions. Now the STEREO team had become complete. One STEREO-A moves near to sun (ahead) while another STEREO-B moves quite far to the sun (behind).

The primary purpose of using these satellites is to monitor the flow of energy and matter from the sun to earth. Up to now, these spacecraft have become possible to reveal the structure of coronal mass ejections, which are eruptions of concern from the sun, and there are also many discoveries done by them.

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