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NaSCoIT Announced International IT Conference on Intelligent Computing

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ANNOUNCEMENT OF EIGHTth NATIONAL STUDENTS’ CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (NaSCoIT 2016) AND CALL FOR PAPER. Nepal College of Information Technology proudly presents an International IT Conference on ICT for INTELLIGENT COMPUTING on 27th August 2016.

Important Dates:  

Abstract Submission:                           July 22, 2016

Acceptance Notice:                              July 29, 2016

Draft Submission:                                August 10, 2016

Final Camera-ready submission:          August 20, 2016

Registration Deadline:                         August 23, 2016

Conference Day:                                 August 27, 2016

Venue: Park Village Resort, Budanilkantha, Kathmandu, Nepal.

  Conference Theme

Information Communication Technology (ICT) for Intelligent Computing is the main theme of Eight National Students’ Conference on Information Technology (NaSCoIT 2016).

Sub Theme

Papers are invited from the university/College students (including recent graduates, Ph.D. degree holders) in a wide variety of information and technology related areas including, but not limited to:


  1. Mobile computing
  2. Smart Computing
  3. Cloud computing
  4. Ubiquitous computing
  5. Green computing
  6. Big data
  7. Optical Communications and Networking
  8. Network management and Services
  9. Industrial Robotics
  10. Semantic web technologies
  11. ICT for nation development
  12. Ad-hoc networks
  13. Sensor networks and wireless communication
  14. Knowledge management and Engineering
  15. Internet on Things
  16. Bio-informatics
  17. ICT for disaster management
  18. Embedded system and software
  19. Ethical Hacking and Computer Security



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