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National Avian Disease Laboratory To Start COVID-19 Test In Chitwan

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05 April 2020 Chitwan

NADIL will conduct COVID-19 test from Saturday in Chitwan. The National Avian Disease Laboratory (NADIL) based on Bharatpur is all set to conduct COVID-19 tests from Saturday. On Wednesday, a technical team from the Ministry of Health and Population visited Bharatpur. The team studied their eligibility and gave a green signal to NADIL.

Bharatpur hospital is a hospital specialized for coronavirus cases. Before, they collected and sent swab samples to Teku based Central Laboratory in Kathmandu on a daily basis. Now, Bharatpur based NADIL will conduct coronavirus tests themself?

They also visited the labs at Rampur based Agriculture and Forestry University and Bharatpur based BP Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital.

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