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National Level ICT Meetup, Academia – Industry Collaboration

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Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) Meet Up is a unique opportunity for everyone involved in the ICT field to connect with experts & professionals as well as the learning & potential students who are seeking a platform to showcase innovative ideas of the new generation and get exposure to Nepalese IT market.

ICT Meet up V.4.0 2016; the fourth version of the event is one of the mega events in the Nepalese ICT field. ICT Meet up V4.0 2016 with the theme “ICT Academia-Industry Collaboration: Understanding the Difference” is a platform for ICT practitioners, developers, IT students, freelancer including different niche IT companies who are searching the opportunity to scrutinize themselves, their talents, innovation and projects in the Information Technology field. This will not only energize their potential but also make them realize the current gap between professional workplace and academic differences. With the collaboration of opportunity seeking graduates and potential investors, the IT industry can move ahead at a faster pace.

This event serves as a common platform for interactions, collaborations, and acknowledgment between high-level dignitaries, renowned IT professionals, entrepreneurs, business personnel, guardians, students and a wide range of visitors. Moreover, this event seeks to enhance students’ hidden creativity, skills, knowledge, and ability to stand in the technological society. Through the event, we hope to enhance fellowship among youth and speaking of IT; it will surely make a huge impact on every individual`s knowledge and interest knowingly or unknowingly.

This event will impose an opportunity of “learning by doing.”

Major attractions of ICT Meet Up V4.0

Venue: Prime College, Nayabazaar, Khusibun, Kathmandu, Nepal

Date: June 4-5, 2016, Saturday and Sunday

Time: 10-5 pm

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