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Nepal Cloud User Group Announced IoT Solutions Workshop

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Nepal Cloud User Group (NCUG) is organizing 1-day FREE hands-on workshop on Developing Internet of Things(IoT) Solutions using Azure and Windows 10 on November 19, Saturday. The workshop aims to brief its participants about what Internet of Things (IoT) is and the basics of creating a solution on IoT through hands-on work on the Raspberry-PI IoT Kit.

The technologies that we will be touched upon are:

  1. Microsoft Azure
  2. Windows 10 IoT Core
  3. Universal Windows Platform
  4. C#
  5. Power BI
  6. Azure Event Hub
  7. Azure Streaming Analytics
  8. Azure IoT Hub

During the workshop, They will also be brainstorming on how IoT technology can be used in agriculture.

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Workshop Details:

Time: 11 AM – 5 PM

Date: Saturday, November 19, 2016 Venue: Microsoft Innovation Center Nepal, Khichapokhari

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