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Nepal Ranked The Most Expensive Facilities In Internet

Inclusive Internet Index 2019

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Comparing the prices, the internet facilities in Nepal are ranked the most expensive in the south Asian region. A popular magazine “The Economist” recently published a report “Inclusive Internet index 2019” which suggests that internet users in Nepal are quite expensive as compared to that being used in other countries of the world.

In a list published in the report comprising of 100 countries based on the cost of internet services, Nepal was ranked 84. Likewise, a list containing the countries of South Asia where internet cost, Nepal ranks at the bottom of the table. The report clearly mentions that the list is prepared based on the annual GDP and current internet prices of the countries.

Among the South Asian countries, internet prices in India are the cheapest, it also ranks at number 10 among the 100 countries on the list. Sri Lanka follows the ranking after India. However, Sri Lanka ranks 43rd overall. Pakistan that is listed at 47th position is 3rd among the South Asian countries. Bangladesh ranks at number 70.

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