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Nepal Telecommunications Authority Released Online Child Protection Directives

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January 10th, 2020, Kathmandu

Nepal Telecommunications Authority has released the ‘Online Child Protection Directives, 2076’. The Directives has been issued to minimize the increasing number of cases of abuse against children through the use of information and communication technology online (website, app, social network).

Director of the Authority, Min Prasad Aryal, said that the directive orders a proper system to quickly investigate the abuse and inappropriate content distributed online. Telecommunication service providers have to employ a method to remove child abuse content immediately.

The Authority will also develop and operate an online child abuse incident complaint system in partnership with law enforcement agencies, service providers, and other stakeholders. The directive provides for a complaint structure for reporting abusive material or links that need to be published. The service provider must inform the police or law enforcement agency of the severe nature of incidents.

The service provider companies will have to provide tools that allow users, parents, or guardians access to online content that has to be controlled or monitored. Similarly, the age group should be mentioned in such services and content.

The directives state that the parent must regularly monitor the Internet usage of their children. For this, the ISPs will have to imply child-secure protocols in their services.

The parents should properly orient and guide the children regarding the safe use of the Internet and the use of security tools. It is the duty of the guardian concerned to take the necessary steps to limit the risky advertisements and messages that aim to incite children.

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