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Nepal To Host Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum 2020

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September 3, 2019, Kathmandu

Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) functions as a basis for regional interaction, debate collaboration, and also consolidating regional IGF discussions where appropriate, consequently promoting the growth of Internet Governance in the Asia Pacific area.

The first APrIGF took place in Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region (SAR) China with goals to increase awareness and promote involvement on Internet governance concerns through appropriate parties across the region, as well as to endorse multi-stakeholder multi-lateral debate on Internet-related problems in Asia Pacific Region. APrIGF has effectively hosted ten annual events since 2010.

Marriott Kathmandu Hotel will host the 11th edition of the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum from 26-29 May 2020. The Lead Host for the event is Internet Governance Institute whereas the  Internet Exchange Nepal, Internet Society Nepal, and Nepal Internet Foundations are the co-hosts of the event. This forum in Kathmandu is anticipated to be attended by five hundred (500) attendees (300 global delegates and 200 local participants).

The Internet Governance Institute (IGI) is a initiative to strengthen the root-level of Internet governance through studies, capacity building, consciousness, debate and policy action across the Asia Pacific region. IGI believes in international cooperation and works through Internet Governance-related institution’s involvement. The Internet has become an essential component of the lives of individuals. Despite the advantages, misuses lead to social problems such as generation gap, Internet addiction, cybersecurity, privacy, and other developing issues. These problems do not respect national borders and therefore need to be addressed through cooperation between states and territories. The IGF approach is an open forum for cross-border exchanging of knowledge between stakeholders, which in turn notifies local policy development.

For register: APrIGF 2020 Kathmandu

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