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Nepalese Banks Likely To Remain Top Cyber Crime Targets, Infosec Nepal

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Information Technologists Concern over Cyber Attack on Banks and Financial Institutions

Kathmandu: Information Technologists have expressed their concern over the cyber attack on Nepal’s banks and financial institutions. Information Security Response Team Nepal (INFOSEC), an organization which has been working for security and public awareness of Information Technology, on Thursday, in its press statement, stated that the Information Technology Sector is still weaker.

The statement clearly stated: “Cyber Attacks on banking sectors have placed the Information Technology sector under weaker condition.”  Though such attacks have become quite common these days, necessary actions must be taken against such increasing offensive maneuvers without delay.

Information Security Response Team Nepal has stated that, despite the fact that technologies have made everyday life easier, there has not been adequate investment on time and negligence on the development of human resources have been the major reason for the weakness of IT sector.

Chiranjibi Adhikari, the president of Information Security Response Team Nepal, has stated that only investment on the technological sector is considered as the basis of development, however, lack of public awareness among the human resources engaged in Operation Center has put the banking sectors at high risk.

Information Security Response Team Nepal considers not only safeguarding the banks and financial institutions but also safeguarding all the sectors related to Information Technology by mitigating such cyber security incidents.

Additionally, the organization states that ‘Information Security Audit’ which is carried out regularly for the security of Information Technology, should be given continuity and also providing training’s to overcome the challenges of ‘Phishing and Malware’ that can occur in the process of securing a system, should be encouraged.

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