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Nepalese Students Made Robots At International Competition

Source: Annapurnapost

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July 21, 2019, Kathmandu

Robots made by Nepalese Engineering Students will be taking part in an ABU Robocon, being held in Mongolia this August. The robotics club of Pulchowk Campus had been working for the past year designing the robot for taking part in the tournament.

The mentioned robot will be competing against 19 other countries from the Asia-Pacific Region. The students currently enrolled in Pulchowk Campus who are tied to the Robotics Club have implemented their knowledge about the use of various devices and mechanisms to come up with a robot for the competition.

The club mentions that the robotics competitions have been held for over 19 years now, and the Robotic Club, Pulchowk Campus has been representing Tribhuvan University in the game since 2002 A.D.

After the completion and testing of their robot, the club presented the robots working demo to the various dignitaries present in the club on Friday. The ABU- Robocon 2019 is taking place next month at Mongolia.

The theme for the competition is to design a robot that functions like a horse and transmits a message like that in a war. This is a theme that directly reflects the culture and idea of Mongolia.

The students hope that their involvement in such a reputed competition will help them to polish their skills further as well as let the world know about Nepalese innovation and technologically enthusiastic youths.

Twenty-three students from Pulchowk Campus will be traveling to Mongolia on Bhadra 4 to represent Nepal whereas the Robot will be transported to Mongolia this Monday.

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