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Nepal’s Push to Tackle Cyber Security Challenges, Cyber Expert

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The fifth edition of the Cyber Security Awareness Program was successfully held at Texas International College, Chabahil. The program was sponsored by Mr. Prem Bhandari – Civil Engineer / CEO of AMA Engineering, Virginia USA and Mr. Anil Pandey – CEO of, Honorary PRR of NTB, California USA. DC Nepal and ICT Frame were the official media partners, and was also one of the supporting partners.

About the program:

The program commenced with Dr. RamhariSubedi’s presentation on Developing Cyber Security Framework for Nepal.

With useful information, facts, research data he gave a brief insight into the present participants about cybersecurity. He also provided a concise explanation about phishing, identity theft, and online transaction system and so on. During the presentation, Dr. Subedi gave proven data and illustration of our loose preparedness for future cyber-attacks and setbacks in the policy and procedures governing the cyberspace.

Citing lack of awareness about cybercrimes, security measures and ignorance towards these measures as the main reason behind growing issues in the cyber-world he urged everyone to acknowledge cyber threat as a significant issue. Since, accepting new technology and moving ahead with the digitization is inevitable Nepal may face enormous challenges coping with cybercrime in the future which would come from areas beyond the social media, which is the primary source cybercrimes in Nepal currently.


Mr. Chiranjibi Adhikari, CEO of ICT Frame Magazine and also a Team coordinator of the CSI Nepal extended his gratitude on behalf of the college and praised Dr. Subedi’s effort and mission to contribute in enhancing the level of cybersecurity in Nepal. He expressed pride in being part of the CSI Nepal team which is dedicated to working for the cybersecurity sector of Nepal and urged everyone to be responsible and severe towards this issue.

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