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NMB Bank Awarded ‘Bank Of The Year 2020’

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8th December 2020, Kathmandu

The Banker is an international financial affairs publication owned by The Financial Times Ltd. It has awarded NMB Bank with the prestigious “Bank of the Year-2020” award among banks in Nepal. NMB Bank took the title of Bank of the Year in Nepal thanks to its efforts in embracing sustainable banking and its strong merger and acquisition activities.

The Banker magazine writes ” This year COVID19 pandemic has brought the world to a halt making an incredibly tough year. The difficult operating environment makes this year’s winners even more deserving. Not only the banks have successfully managed the pressures of running their operations remotely. But also have taken care of their staff and customers, responding rapidly to their needs and stepping up support in these hard and demanding times.”

This is not the first time NMB bank has won this award, it has won the award for the 3rd time in the last 4 years. According to the bank’s press release, this award is an appreciation to all people working and connected with the bank. It added the efforts during Covid-19 to provide proper and safe services to the public and keep the company running by applying various methods. Also adopting digital ways has all contributed to the Bank’s success.

Why NMB Bank ‘Bank of the Year 2020’?                                                           

Next Step for NMB Bank

The bank has had remarkable growth which can be seen in its balance sheet size and its balanced network expansion that covers urban-semi urban and rural corners of the country

The bank will focus more on enhancing the client’s digital touchpoints and automating internal processes. By the help of digital means, the bank aims to contribute towards a paperless environment and crownless environment in the branches.

NMB is planning to introduce an AI-based credit approval system to enhance the user experience.

The bank will also keep an eye on the full implementation of environmental and social management systems (ESMS) to increase productivity through technology and manage costs through automation.

The magazine also said that it received hundreds of entries this year. These entries made clear that the investment of banks in their digital transformation efforts have truly paid off. It will continue to reap rewards in the coming days. In terms of improving customer experience, lowering the cost to serve, and driving the financial inclusion agenda.

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