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NTA Announced 124 Local Levels Information Technology Center

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7th June 2019, Kathmandu

The Nepal Telecommunications Authority will establish an Information Technology Center at 124 local level across the country. According to the procedure made by the Authority, the centers have been selected at 124 degrees and are published in a recent report.

The Authority has brought the program to spend the number of rural telecommunication funds on providing instant and reliable information technology service at the local level, where access to information technology services is limited.

The level selected by the board should contact the Authority to agree on establishing these IT centers. For this, the local level offices need to fill up a form present at the NTA’s website and send it to the board. The form can be quickly sent via email, and the process involved in filling the form is described on the site of NTA.

The telecom authority’s plan to establish a well -equipped IT center in the local areas where the reach of IT services is limited is undoubtedly a remarkable step. The provision of such centers widespread in Nepal can undoubtedly boost up the technological growth of Nepal.

Properly equipped Information Technology center will be set up at local level selected by the board. The authority will also provide a laptop, three desktop computers, photocopy machine, printer, scanner, projector, sound system, power backup, wireless router, necessary cables and other physical infrastructures for the operation of these centers. The areas where electricity management is limited will receive solar connections provided by the authority. All responsibility for managing the center created by Authority will be handed out to the local level.

Download the lists of ICT Service Center: ICT SERVICE CENTER NEPAL

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