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Olloclip Active Review

The iPhone is proved itself as an excellent packet camera but if you want to do a bit better than usual selfie shot or typical cat photo.

Olloclip says that Active was designed for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus with active lifestyle. The user can attach the ultra wide angle lens for action camera to look a larger field of view for panoramas at the end. The Action license flipping will give you a bit more zoom.


It is just like Olloclip’s older attach lens which doubled the ended accessory which ships into your iPhone with the aid of non-included phone. The special Olloclip needn’t have a case in to order correctly with a line up the lens with iPhone’s camera which helps you shield the firmly attached handset.

 The case is nice which tinted polycarbonate shell that let you see your phone protective and grippe around the edge. Most of the phone encased safely which bear in mind through the large window left open around the lens to accommodate the Active camera lens. Olloclip’s Active line feels like a misnomer which can’t securely mount your smartphone at the front of bike or helmet. Mounting a lens is aside in front of the iPhone’s rear snippier. It is conventionally designed to cover iPhone’s front sight camera which allows you to get people into selfie without relying on sordid selfie stick.

Usage and handling

The active lens system is using a pretty self- explanatory. You may slot your phone through the attachment of middle and ready to go. The lens doesn’t see lining up correctly with iPhone rear camera which needs to remove the plastic bumbler inside the accessory shot.

There are a few things to note how different focal lengths affect your photos. The telephone, magnify your field of views essentially by 2% factor which reaches extra but making a camera at the same time is more noticeable. Any small movement will make by taking a photo with intensifying and have left you possibility with blurry pictures.