ICT Frame

Open Source Hack School Meet Up, Disaster Hack

This Saturday 7th January 2017 at 3 PM at Disaster Hack headquarters in Swoyambhu, Disaster Hack are hosting the first meet up for developers interested in helping build an open-source app intended to teach code and English.

Disaster Hack is an innovative emergency relief organization that provides rebuilding assistance and long term economic development with art and technology.

Meet up to cover the open source project to create a coding and language learning app using Free Code Camps as our starting point

Development Needs

1. Translation into Nepali
2. UI for translation into other languages and challenge creation
3. Language Curriculum/Challenges
4. Simplifying and simplifying the current language used in already developed challenges

This is an open source solution tackling one of the biggest challenges in the digital divide…qualified teachers in rural villages. Founded on the belief that learning code can play a role in the development of rural impoverished economies.

For more update: https://www.facebook.com/DisasterHack/