ICT Frame

Opportunity and Info Sharing Request- GitHub Field Day Nepal 2022

Github Field Day Nepal

5th May 2022, Kathmandu

GitHub Field Day is coming to Nepal! It is a day-long unconference for student leaders and members of technical communities in Nepal, where participants will engage in discussions, learn from each other’s mistakes and successes, and solve shared problems, all while making friends!

Field day welcomes student leaders and members of tech communities across Nepal. The event will be full of productive discussions, keynote, 1:1 networking, awesome food, recreational games, and exciting swags.

There will be an exchange of ideas and opinions. Participants’ interaction is the topmost priority at Field Day. Hence, most of the events will be talks and discussions conducted by the attendees.

GitHub Field Day has been successfully conducted in various places around the world, and it is happening for the first time in Nepal on 26th June 2022 at Grand Norling Hotel’s Resort, Kathmandu.

For, students outside the Kathmandu Valley, a separate scholarship form for travel and accommodation will be sent out upon selection.

Here’s a quick overview video of GitHub Field Day.

This is a great opportunity for student leaders and members of tech communities across Nepal to come together and talk about shared struggles in their communities. Anyone who is leading a technical club or planning to form and lead one is highly encouraged to apply!

Application form: https://forms.gle/SQoP5U5eHHKZpNV69

Event Date: 26th June 2022

Event Venue: Grand Norling Hotel’s Resort

For FAQs and further details: https://githubfieldday.com/np2022/