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Perceive Me As A Person Not A Female: Season 2

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This is a concept to motivate and empower the women and is conducted to reflect the clear picture of the female in society. It is started from 14:30 to 17:00 at Naachghar, Jamal on 27th September. It is hosted by “This is My Diary” and seat for this program is limited so hurry up to grab this opportunity. For this program, you just have to pay NRs. 250 and it is a one day program to motivate society and other people to respect the female.

It is one of the most motivational programs ever conducted in Nepal to help women to realize their potential. Besides, it will also help to discourage social prejudices about women by encouraging women to be a part of social development. Not only this, but there are too many purposes of this being conducted

  1. To provide motivational speech and story from an inspirational and struggling woman from our nation
  2. To give Amazing performance
  3. To provide Documentaries and many more.

So, hurry up to know about this program, and to develop motivational spirit in your soul so that you can do some admiring work and tasks for the society. Besides, if you need any other help to know more about it, put your comment on this article.

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