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Pinterest Crosses User Milestone Of 100 Million

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There are more than 100 million users of Pinterest. The online bully in allows border style to pin image based on the interest.

Evan Sharp, the co-founder of AFP, said that most of the user are not visiting Pinterest in a month, but they are discovering something interesting they are saving and checking through the website.

Almost 100 million active users, among them 70% of are engaged. he said

The disclosure from Pinterest first launches in March 2010 which has discussed by the various uses.

He said that the majority of Pinterest user are women, but it is noted that there is a more significant gap which is closing a little bit everyone month.

According to the Pinterest latest figure, it remains behind the Facebook-owned app, that is the photo sharing services which claims 300 million users.

Sharp said that it has two platforms with different needs.

He said that Instagram is a social service. It is similar to a social network whose Pinterest is like a search engine.

Pinterest is taken as a pain which avoids social network. The co-founder and chief executive Ben Silbermann described Pinterest as a catalog of an idea which helps people to discover and try new things. Pinterest announced  100 million people use the service of each month, with the large volume of users, or pinners, doubling in the last 18 months.

There are some queries which are estimated to be more than 1.5 billion per month. According to the company, its most robust growth globally seeing with 45% user outside the US market.

They mainly focus on growing around the world and outside the US.

The valuation of Pinterest is jumped to $11 billion. I think it has 500 employees in the recently opened office in Paris.

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