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Prabhatferi On The Occasion Of Nepal’s ICT Day 2017

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Wishes to join the cause and agree to follow Nepal’s National ICT Day

On the occasion of National ICT Day 2017, Department of Information Technology (DoIT) and Federation of Computer Association Nepal (CAN Federation) are jointly organizing Prabhatferi for ICT Awareness on Tuesday, 2nd May, 2017 at 7:00 am. The route for Prabhatferi starts from Bhrikutimandap.

You are requested to participate along with your Banner/T-Shirts/Uniform in Prabhatferi and Walk towards making Nepal an ICT friendly Nation to promote a brand and create solidarity for ICT awareness & development. Furthermore, to celebrate the ICT Day with huge success, Students from various colleges, Business houses, Software companies, ICT Organizations, Banks and people from other various sectors will participate in this Prabhatferi.

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