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President Bidya Devi Bhandari Has Launched Digital Signature

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A digital signature is an official government digital certificate identification code which is applied for the authentication of digital information like email, document, etc. which provide the guarantee that the exchanged report is unchanged and genuine. For the first time in Nepal president, Bidya Devi bahdari lunched for the first time in Nepal.

Office of the controller of Certificate had started to work related to issue digital signature with the objective of assuring the electronic transaction reliable secure and safe under Regulations 2064 and Electronic Transaction Act 2063 BS

President Bhandari said that digital signature is the need of the country for the development of the digital world and competing in the race of digital development, it was the service to the public for the safe authentic credible and smooth use of technology.

President further said that it is not only a milestone of a modern business method but also strengthen the relationship between government and other business and service parties. It helps to a government for the maintain good governance by eliminating the fake and invalid digital document by this government can continue their work in transparent reliable and smooth form.

According to Kathmandu post, the authorized permission for the issuing digital signature is given to the Radiant info-tech Nepal Company. The first digital token with a numeric name is provided to the President.

As per official notice from the radiant infotech, the digital signature is an issue soon, and the infotech starts to work in full fleas with management partner Nepal Certifying Company (NCC).

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