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Preventing And Recovering From Cyber Crime: Cyber Awareness

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The Cyber Security Awareness Program conducted by the Cyber Security International (CSI) Nepal on 15th June, Wednesday at Prime College was fruitful. It provided students with a kind of alertness and consciousness towards maintaining different security levels in their websites, home computers, and other social media profiles as well.

As the program went on with the introduction of malware and spams, the way they infect our systems & escape leaving no clue and finally, the preventive measures for it, it was of great benefit to everyone present there in the program. The introduction of them provided them with the idea of their general identification if they encounter any. The methods of infection made them aware of the things that may happen to them and not to become the victims as they were also provided with the security procedures.

Looking back at the statistics of the sites being hacked every year worldwide made the students develop a strong determination to lower them down by creating their contributions based on their level. And listening to the stories of the people being made fools and robbed online helped the students to relate about the spam emails arriving in their mailbox from time to time and develop a consciousness on how to deal with them.

The students were interested in the program and enthusiastic to know more about the security stuff. They were interacting with the experts curiously. And the college team was satisfied as well with the program: the CSIT coordinator, Mr. Dilli Pd. Sharma expressed his gratitude for having such programs organized in his college and showed that he would be pleased to have such plans in the college time and again shortly.

So, as per the influence of the program upon the students and the college administration, it can be concluded that the program was excellent. And it has a great prospect in today’s world as this is the era of technology and security is a must for everyone. As this is a concern of people ranging from a common man just using Facebook/twitter who wants his social media profile safe to the IT professionals who have the sweat and toil of their whole life stored online. A small leak of any of the data means a significant loss to them. Hence, it can be said, “Cybersecurity is a thing needed to everybody that exist” and that’s why the programs like these must be conducted in various schools and colleges from time to time to make everyone conscious about their security and bring the hacking level down to zero.

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