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Prime ICT Meetup, A Secret Weapon For Your Tech Career

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What ICT meet up is an annual event organized by the prime IT club. The fifth version of this event took place on the 9th and 10th of June, and this blog is about the experience. I enrolled in ICT meet up v5.0.


ICT meet up v5.0 was my first ICT meet up experience, and it was filled with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement. Having only the heard about this event and now finally getting an opportunity to have a live experience was indeed quite thrilling.

On the very first day of ICT meet up, I got there around quarter past six. As I entered the beautifully decorated gate with blue and white balloons, I could feel the enthusiasm of the people around. A stage was made right in front of the reception where the inauguration was held

My journey as an emcee at the event was going to start very soon. The opening began around 8:00 AM followed by a spectacular dance performance which indeed helped in lightning the mood. Right after the performance, the discussion panel was held, and the first session was assigned to me.

I was preparing myself not to panic as this was my first experience as an emcee. The tension started to build up more when I couldn’t get the sight of my respective speaker anywhere. But finally, after he arrived at the hall and the session went smoothly. I thought to myself “this is my last chance to speak at this moment.” So, I gave the best I could.

 “All is well that ends well” the session ended very wonderfully. I had been practicing for this event in front of the mirror and front of my mother for a couple of hundred times now, and I was glad that it went well. After my session was completed I was assigned to volunteer other works as another session of mine was canceled.

The schedule was very hectic. I was also unaware of my appetite which astounded me as I am not the kind of person to can stay without eating. All the sessions ended at half-past five, and we attended a meeting afterward until 7 PM.

The first day was perfect, and everyone did their respective jobs to their fullest. The first day of the event also taught me how coordinating and working together could do wonders. The first day even made me more eager for the second day and what is awaited.

The second day had already started, and when I reached the college premises, the environment was not entirely as it was yesterday. Since all the banners and settings were already done yesterday the air around there was pretty calm than yesterday.

Unlike yesterday there was not a lot of audience at 10 AM, and my first session was starting at half past 10, which kind of made everyone anxious. As the clock was hitting, 11 audiences began hitting up. So the second day started a little late than scheduled.

With more confidence than yesterday, I started my speech and welcomed my speaker. The session couldn’t go as expected due to some technical difficulties but was indeed very informative and insightful. Unlike yesterday I was followed by another meeting right after that.

My second session of the day was a motivational speech, and I finally got hold of my fear of the mass. After the success of the second session, I started volunteering in other courses. After the end of meetings, we celebrated the accomplishment of ICT meet up V5.0

My first experience during those two days as an emcee, as a volunteer and as a team was beyond any definition of words. It turned out to be way more threat and way more magnificent than I expected it to be. It was then when I realized that work could be fun and I will forever cherish those memories. I couldn’t be gladder to be a part of the Prime family, and ICT meet up. I surely can’t wait to be a part of another ICT meet up next year.

Author: Member of Prime IT Club

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