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Prime ICT Meetup V5.0 Mega Event Kicks Off

ICT Meetup V5.0

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ICT Meet up V5.0 2018 with join effort of Prime IT club of Prime College and support from different organizations. ICT meet up has been scheduled to be held on June 9 and 10, 2018 Saturday and Sunday. This event is inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Dilli Raj Sharma, Dean, Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University.


ICT Meetup V5.0 2018 is a mega event in which people related to or interested in IT &Management as Career Developing fields can participate or gain knowledge by interacting with professionals.


The central theme of ICT Meetup is to facilitate an environment for students/youngsters to interact with notable figures that have shown excellence and established themselves in their respective fields.

A significant attraction of ICT Meet up V5.0

 Venue: Prime College, Naya Bazaar, Kathmandu

Inauguration Ceremony: June 9th, 2018, (10 am onwards)

Sessions: 9th and 10th June 2018(10 am onwards)

Day 1 (June 9, 2018): AI, Networking, and Marketing

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