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Promoting Tech Entrepreneurship Among The Nepalese Youth

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Most of the startup business run from their savings or collecting from friends and family. Sometimes it may be a minimal amount at that time we can move to investors like angels investors and Venture Capitalist and how to move up to the doorstep of investors.

For that different organization organize a discussion program which may be an excellent platform to got investors. Likewise for entrepreneurs N.E HUB organized the panel discussion session in supporting with New IT Venture Corp at trade tower Kathmandu encountering on Entrepreneurs Spark Talk Series6 Ready to invest On Monday, February 22, 2016.

In main panel discussion speakers, Kamal Adhikari Founder and CEO of New IT venture Nepal, Sujee, Shakya Founder and CEO of lousy management, Suman Shakya Director Nepal entrepreneur’s Hub and foreign investors Ken Ehrhard Sun Bridge Partner and James M Ehrhart investors from angel investors and consultant flight plane consultancy.

In the panel discussion, all the speakers present their suggestion and experiences to the new startup business and entrepreneurs for the ensuring their investment and to peach out their idea for the attraction of investors to their beliefs. The speakers solve and suggest to attended entrepreneurs question and problems.

The foreign speakers Ken and James are express their interest to bring the invest in Nepali IT company and entrepreneurs. Mostly the audiences are entrepreneur and startup company man those who are seeking for investment to grow their business and collecting ideas for the enhancement of their startup form the experiences of senior and investors.

The main area of the panel discussion is about how to develop the idea of business and what are the challenges the startup has to face for the raising the funds and how to attract the foreign investment to their business ideas.

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