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Ramu Paudel Appointed as Chairman of NCHL

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20th December 2023, Kathmandu

Mr. Ramu Paudel, Executive Director of Financial Management Department, Nepal Rastra Bank, has been appointed as the Chairman of Nepal Clearing House Ltd. (Ramu Paudel Chairman of NCHL), corresponding to which Oath from the Deputy Governor Mr. Bam Bahadur Mishra was taken on 18th December, 2023.

Ramu Paudel Chairman of NCHL

The change in the board has been effective after transfer of Executive Directors at NRB. Mr. Paudel has rich experience at various departments of the central bank for over 22 years.

NCHL board includes representation from NRB, commercial banks, development banks, finance companies and an independent director.

NCHL is a public limited company promoted by NRB and majority of the banks & financial institutions for establishing multiple national payment systems in Nepal.

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