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Registration Form open at Udhyami101


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On 21-25th April, 2017, STARTUPS Nepal in Udhyami Seed Camp  had initiated Udhyami Seed Camp: Women Focused; a 5 day long entrepreneurial boot camp designed to validate the business idea and turn it into a viable business.

Udhyami101, initiated by STARTUPSNepal, is one-day event powered by Nepal Telecom. Themed to “Starting a Business” it is designed especially for the aspiring entrepreneurs and early-stage founders in Nepal, Udhyami101 will also be beneficial for the university students, graduates, professionals and anyone who would want to start his/her own venture in the near future where they can learn more about the fundamentals of being an entrepreneur and need and importance of startup ecosystem.

Throughout the program, the attendees can also know more on why and need of validating the idea before starting any business.

 Event Schedule:

Date: June 30, 2017 (Friday)
Time: 3:00PM – 6:00PM
Venue: Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) Hall, Bhtikutimandap, Pradarshani Marg, Kathmandu, Nepal.


Rudra Pandey, CEO, Deerwalk Inc.

Narottam Aryal, Executive, Kings College


Asgar Ali, Founder/CEO, E-sewa Fonepay

Bina Shrestha, CEO, Shine Cleaning

Sunayna Tamrakar, Investment Manager, One to Watch

Anil Keshary Shah, CEO of Mega Bank Nepal


Rupesh K. Shrestha

Co-founder, Idea Studio

Registration Form: Click Here


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