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Rise of Female leaders in Nepal with Women LEAD

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Being the first and only professional and leadership development organization for young women in Nepal, Women LEAD has been working for empowering the youth to become leaders in schools and communities.
A lack of female leaders have always been felt in Nepal, and this lack might turn out into abundance when an organization such as Women LEAD get to continue their work for empowering the youths for the leadership in future. Even though women have the ability and courage to face the world, leadership and skill building are the factors that can strengthen them in many ways.
The fact that the emerging leaders also involve female leaders is something to be proud of for all the Nepalese community. It is not easy to become a leader, but with a clear mindset and dedication, the output of the hard work can be seen soon enough in the journey to becoming a leader. A leader should have some qualities that not all have.
And skill is one of the most critical factors. Therefore women LEAD is working to provide young women in Nepal with the skills, support, and opportunities to become leaders and change-makers in their schools, communities, nation, and the world. With intensive year-long leadership training, skills building, mentoring, and a peer-support network, Women LEAD missions to increase the number of female leaders in Nepal.
Here leaders from various fields have been involved in creating a new platform to learn for the aspiring leaders. Women LEAD has empowered more than 1,000 youth to become leaders in their schools and communities.
They have been mentoring many other future female leaders and have established themselves as one of the pillars of development in Nepal. The role played by Women LEAD has already been recognized as they have been awarded and featured by renowned magazines and organizations around the world. Women LEAD we hope to see more and more female leaders in the coming future. 

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