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Robotics Association Of Nepal Announced Miss-Tech 2016

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Miss-Tech is a team from Robotics Association of Nepal. After the delivery of 5 workshops to more than 160 girls, the talent our participants and other girls possess is to be showcased. For the same purpose, we have developed a platform titled, “Miss-Tech” starting “Miss-Tech 2016:: Sparkle with Water”. The event would encourage participation of girls/women with software, hardware, and programming skills. The design thinking, prototype design, product design and logical thinking capacity of participants would also be judged in the event.

“Miss-Tech 2016” would be held in December 2016. There will be two sub-events for different levels of the maker (i.e., from school levels to graduate level students). The theme of both sub-events is based on saving the essential element of survival, i.e., Water.

We all know the importance of water in our life. According to the mother nature network(men), all the water available on earth only 1%  is available for consumption by plants, animals, and humans. As population increases, the pressure on our already limited water amplifies. 95% of the water that we use daily are in the hidden form as it’s being used in the things we eat, wear and consume. So, it’s imperative to use water wisely by not wasting it.

But in today’s scenario, water pollution is listed among the most critical issue to take care of. Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies. This form of environmental degradation occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharge into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds.

Miss-Tech 2016 aims in bringing some changes to solve water-related problems and issues through the use of technology.  As we know “A small change can make a big difference” we are trying to encourage innovations in the water industry to use technology to raise awareness about these issues and solve big water problems. We are focusing women on creating water projects and hardware startups for bringing technology to life.

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