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Robotics Association Of Nepal’s Support For Earthquake Victims

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When the first earthquake hit, Shriman Tamang, Betini V.D.C, Nuwakot was working in his field dreaming about lots of grain from the crops he has invested. Seeing his house converted into ruins by 7.8 magnitude Richter, he could do nothing but sit and watch. His whole family were enjoying cool weather at open space of their house and moved quickly to the safe place.

As an eldest and responsible person of the Betini V.D.C, he took responsibility for collecting relief in his remote village.

His accountability for three V.D.C Gaunkharka, Raubise and Betini made him determine to make quick recovery of his village and collected food, tents, and medicine.

The Helmo Host lyahsoling Gumba, where they worship is also affected and now could not continue their prayers.

Living in the upper hills of the Nuwakot, electricity has been shut down, and he climbed down to Khairenitar to make his dead phone function again. There he came to know about Light of Hope campaign and visited RAN office on May 10th, 2015.

RAN immediately handed him one Solar Powered Light and mobile Charger understands his situation.

After installation of a solar station in his village, he informed there are more than 50 mobile chargers in a day, and he has been able to light three 3W bulbs during the night.

To make RAN’s Light Of Hope campaign more effective and meaningful, you can help us by donating some fund and sending components of the solar system.

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