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Rotract Club Of Kasthamandap Organized By Capacity Development Session

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A short insight into what this workshop will be about:- Introduction: Effective personality and enhanced interpersonal skills are crucial to increase individuals performance output and to compete successfully in the business environment.

The real key to the effectiveness of professionals is their ability to put their domain knowledge into successful practice. In this context, soft skills have a crucial role to play. If future managers/executives know how to deal with people at the emotional level (peers, subordinates, superiors, clients, suppliers, etc.) through Emotional Intelligence (EI), they can build and sustain productive relationships that will result in a mutual gain.

The purpose of this training session will be to awaken participants and open up their eyes to the reality of situations and skills required for today’s generation to be successful in professional life. With the competition prevalent in the society today the softcore skills that need focus and development to get through in the business world will be highlighted in this sitting.

The objective of this training would be to achieve an aware individual with acquired knowledge and skills specific to the work and personal environment and to be able to exude a dominant, mature, competent and confident personality. An individual who will stand out with a positive attitude and take advantage of every opportunity put forth to be able to perform better and effectively.

Topic 1: Emotional Intelligence ( EI) Understanding Human Behavior & Psychology Style: Lecture and Interaction Duration: 1 hour This will be the first session of the training program which will start with a short introduction on what the objective of the program is and a small psychological example to get the participants attention and focus for the session and to make them comfortable and interact. This personal example’s primary objective is to get the participants to realize that the fear of being judged is the leading cause of lack of confidence.

And that this training session will only be fruitful and helpful once they will get that fear out of their systems. Common Human Behavioral traits will be focused upon, and the participants will be taught to understand behavioral psychology through effective interaction between trainer and participants.

Individual centric psychology will be elaborated upon and various tricks of the trade will be shared with the participants and interactively practiced for better understanding. How to identify the two different types of personality: Active and Passive will be taught here. Break for 15 minutes. Topic 2: Personal Development: Soul Search Style: Practical and Group Discussion Duration: 1 hour Soul Search: In order to help participants come out of their closets and fears this personal development tool will be practiced. The participants will be made aware of: • What Soul Search is? • How it is practiced. • What are its Benefits? Next step will involve the participants to practice soul search, identify their personalities, weaknesses and strengths and make a note of the same on a sheet of paper.

This sheet will be forwarded to the trainer for evaluation. Since the participant’s number will be huge not all students will be getting a chance of evaluation practically. A few members will be selected with a drastic difference in their personalities and soul search reports which will cover for all the participants.

In this session, participants will realize whether they had been honest to themselves while performing self evaluation and how they can benefit from the results and further improve their personalities in context to the type of profession they are in and the core traits that match with their job and performance abilities.

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