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Samriddhi College, Winner Of 4th CSIT Inter College QUIZ Competition

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4th Inter CSIT College Quiz Competition Winner has become Samriddhi College. It’s great to announce that Samriddhi College has become the winner of the 4th Inter CSIT College Quiz Competition. So, We would like to congratulate the students who become successful in grabbing the trophy for their college. This program is conducted or organized by the winner of 3rd CSIT Inter College QUIZ Mania, the students of Kathmandu Bernhardt College. And this program is sponsored by Leapfrog academy and supported by CSIT and CSIT Nepal. This is for a one-day event on 29th Bhadra, 2073, Thursday (14th September 2016) at 9 AM while the venue was in Kathmandu Bernhardt College, Bafal, (Ring Road, Kalanki), Kathmandu.

During this program, Samriddhi College Students have shown their unbelievable performance due to their academic environment and dedication of their teachers towards the student.

For this reason, they have become successful in grabbing this trophy and making their college name and fame at high labor.  Not only this, but there are also other colleges like New Summit College,  Kathford International College, Samajik College who have become 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively. So once again We would like to congratulate for all of them who have done their hard labor to make their college proud.

Samriddhi College is one of the best and market-oriented college to provide the best qualitative education in the field of IT and in lokanthali itself. Besides academic education, they also focused on extra-curriculum activities as well for the development of the student’s personality and their career. Due to this reason, students have become successful in giving their best on every ambitious task. That’s why they now have become successful in grabbing that trophy. Image there are thousands of college around us then how it was possible if adequately trained to the students are not provided. So this college is also one of the inspiration colleges in the field of IT.

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