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Samsung S7 could be the first Smartphone

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Samsung Galaxy S7 UK released date, prices, specifications and features, When is the Galaxy S7 coming out ? Samsung electronics Co Ltd will use Qualcomm Inc’s mobile processor has some of its upcoming flagship for Samsung galaxy S smart phone. It is reported in South Korea electronics times citing unnamed industry sources.

Samsung will use Qualcomm’s snapdragon 820 chips for galaxy S7 phones. It sis expected to launch next year and will be sold in China and United states.

Galaxy S7 phone will be powered by Samsung’s own Exyno’s processor.

A spokesperson of Samsung said that the firm doesn’t comment on speculation or rumours. Qualcomm couldn’t reached for comment.

The South Korea used it own Exynos processor firm for the Flagship Galaxy S6 smart phone. It deals a major blow to US chipmaker. Samsung said that it could opt to use Qualcomm chips in future this year.

Samsung has previously from both Qualcomm source mobile processor through its own chips division for premium devices including its Galaxy note series or galaxy S.

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