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Sanima Bank Announces New Year offer

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5th January 2023, Kathmandu

Sanima Bank announces a discount offer on the special occasion of New Year 2024 to the customers.

Customers applying for the Sanima Domestic Debit Card can get a flat 24% discount on the issuance fee during the offer period. This offer is valid from January 7, 2024, to January 25, 2024, for 19 days. The bank has been encouraging cashless transactions by providing various discounts and offers to its customers while making payments through digital platforms.

Sanima Bank is providing banking services from 133 offices and 123 ATM networks in all 7 provinces. Similarly, Sanima Bank’s debit and credit card and mobile banking users are eligible to get attractive discounts at various hospitals, shopping outlets, hotels, restaurants, and other merchants. Details of discount outlets are available on the bank’s website: Click Here

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