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SATAN Leaked Data Of Tribhuvan University Teaching Staffs

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April 10, 2020, Kathmandu, Nepal

SATAN (@satan_cyber_god), a twitter sensation hacker has leaked data of Tribhuwan University Teachers and Staffs. Recently, through a Twitter handle with username @satan_cyber_god, the hacker made public the names, departments and email addresses of teachers of Tribhuvan University and CTEVT. Blood groups with their designations have also been made public.

The hacker has also warned CTEVT to secure its data.

He leaked data of 69 people through Pastebin. The link to the Pastebin had been shared to Twitter. Although the data of different departments have been leaked, leaked data contains data from Medicine Department the most.

Earlier, the hacker claimed to have leaked the data of Prabhu Money Transfer under Prabhu Group as a demo data. The leaked data included 406 people’s data including, Name, Email Address, Phone Number and IP Address.

The same person has also warned Nepali Congress to secure its system else he’d leak the data along with donations received.

He also said that he’s leaking 150K people’s data and made it clear that it’s not a Nepali data. He said, ”I love my country! Just tried to alert everyone about bugs.”

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