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SEO Workshop In Nepal

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National ICT club organized its first event by discovering the contest on the topic of SEO Workshop and Digital Marketing. This program was held on behalf of the National ICT club and supported by many institutions such as Virinchi College, CSIT association of Nepal,,  CSITINFO.COM, and many others.

For ICT Discovering, Thinking about SEO workshop and Digital Marketing, there are altogether 617 students filled their form, but among them, only 40 students are selected from the top IT colleges of Nepal. There are almost interesting candidates and have desired to know about the SEO and Digital marketing who wants to build up their career in Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Virinchi College plays a vital role in this providing the venue. The program was hosted by Deepak subedit and he was the project chairperson of this event. This program was conducted on the presidentship of National ICT club Mr. Chiranjibi Adhikari. The vice president of National ICT club Er. Kumar Pudasaine welcomed the honorable guests, speakers, and the participants and gave brief details about the program and National ICT club achievements and goals. This program was coordinated by Mr. Niranjan Patel, treasurer of National ICT club.

This event was created or run on the presence of Er. Binod Dhakal, the president of CAN federation of Nepal; Krishna Thapa, the president of NGO Federation Nepal Kathmandu Chapter; Rajan lamsal, Editor of Livingwithict Magazine,  Akash Shimkhada, CEO of Virinchi College, Bikash  Neupane, co-ordinator of Kantipur City College.

The selective speakers are Krishna Bogati, top SEO expert of Nepal, Surendra Budhathoki, Owner of Our Web Creation and Arjun Adhikari, IT Consultant of Prime Minister Office of Nepal. They all speak about off-page optimization, On-page optimization, and Digital Marketing. They share their knowledge among them to work in field dedicating the upcoming future and modernization.

National ICT club present this SEO workshop and Digital Marketing fairly on the coordination of Niranjan Patel. I think it is helpful for candidates and opened the way towards Search engine optimization and Digital marketing.

 Organized by

National ICT club

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