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Social Dialogue Program On Empowering IT Workers

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Social Dialogue Program on Empowering IT Workers: ICTs in the New Economy

17 November 2017, Kathmandu, Nepal

The program was held by UNITES Nepal (Union For IT and IT-enabled Sector in Nepal) along with coordination from UNI NLC(Union Network International, Nepal Liaison Council)with the common motto of presenting the discussion platform among the different stakeholders in Nepal related to ICT Sector.
The discussion in the program was based on the paper presented by MR. Manohar Kumar Bhattarai (Former Vice president HLCIT). Mr. Bhattarai also acted as a moderator for the program. The program had four different panel representations from the Government sector, Employers, Experts, and Trade Union Leaders along with the participation from different individuals representing the IT industry in Nepal.

Chief Guest for the program Mr. Prem Kumar Shrestha (Joint Secretariat-MOIC) highlighted the importance of ICT in daily life.He also focused on dependency in the ICT sector in present time and how adaptive we must be toward IT sector for the sustainable development of the nation and to catch up with technological development achieved in other corner of the world.

The Establishment of Ministry of Science and communication, Ministry of Information and Technology, Department of Information Technology, National Information commission And National information Technology center also shows the clear inclination and internet of government towards maximizing the use of ICT in the overall development of the Nation , He further added the program which is set by government to establish a fiber connection to at least  headquarters of all 75 districts.

He also added the government has continuously been involved in raising the ICT sector from the root level itself. As a result, 6-7 million worth of computer equipment is distributed to many government schools and required training and orientation are also provided to the operation of that equipment will not lack the operators.

With this scenario, if all the stakeholders work together the overall development of the country is also possible else the job opportunity will also not increase, and the economy will also not be benefited. We must also prepare the human resource accordingly so the advancement in technology will not move far from the grasp. So I think empowering IT workers is also must.E empowering does not only mean personal development it can also be achieved through the social dialogue program.

And also we see a lack in the carrier paths in the IT company.T the proper definition of carrier and position should be made, so one individual does not have to stay in one place forever. As a result, there will not be a problem like retention. Also, the fact is we don’t take the job as seriously as a foreigner does. Attrition level among the employers is too high as a result the movement of an employee from one sector to another is also high. The office facility must be addictive to the employee to work for a long time, and there should also be some provision of social dialogue to bind employee for a longer duration of time.

The entire discussion started after this presentation.

Now the points raised during the discussion are:



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