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Techminds Network Responsible For Building Broadband Connectivity Infrastructure in 3 Villages of Lalitpur

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20th August 2021, Kathmandu

The Telecommunication Authority of Nepal (TAN) has been given the responsibility of constructing a broadband network in three villages of Lalitpur to provide internet access to Techminds Network Pvt. Ltd.

In the first week of last Chaitra, NEA had invited bids from the internet service providers who have reached ritual to expand the broadband network in three villages of Lalitpur.

It was said that the internet service providers licensed by the authority can apply for bids to expand the broadband network in three villages of Lalitpur within nine months.

Sealed by registered companies The lowest amount of bids is Rs.216,75,680.50 The authority said that the contract was awarded in accordance with the rules as it was found that the money was offered by Techminds Pvt. Ltd., which has its head office in Chitwan.

Who can apply?                                                     

How to apply?

Applicants will have to submit the application in a sealed form by disclosing the technical details of the bid in one of the two envelopes and the amount they have pledged in the other.

The applicant will have to pay Rs.5,000 as a bidding fee.

The bid will be valid for 90 days from the date of opening and Rs. 1.2 million will have to be paid as a security amount. This amount will be valid for another 30 days after the bidding period.

The applicant has to submit the bid through by Baisakh 2, i.e. 2078 BS. Bids received after that will not be accepted.

The office of the Bidding Authority will be opened at Kamaladi on Baisakh 2, 2078 BS.

Bid applications can be submitted only in the name of anyone organization. Bid application will not be available in the name of Joint Venture Company.

Lalitpur district has three village municipalities namely Bagmati, Konjyosom and Mahankal.

The Authority has invited bids with the aim of expanding the broadband network and providing internet service in these three villages.

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