ICT Frame

Texas Career Fair 2020 in Association With merojob Conducted Successfully

Texas Job Fair 2020 hosted in collaboration with Mero Job

08 March 2020, Kathmandu

Texas Job Fair 2020 has been a bridging ladder between campuses to corporate where students got the opportunity to showcase their skills and competencies in front of a reputed organization jointly organized by Texas College of Management and IT and Texas International College.

Students got a rare exceptional opportunity to connect directly with 100+ LIVE vacancies where 28 companies attended this job fair to discover exciting new opportunities and look to launch fulfilling careers in their aspiring field. The career fair brought employers on an event for full-time/part-time job and internship interviews.

Texas collaborated with merojob, number one job provider of Nepal to facilitate students with grooming sessions and placement. This event includes altogether 9 days, 8 employment sessions for training to our graduating students of BBA / MBA / BIT / BCS / BSc.CSIT / BBS / MBS / BSW from (25 Feb – 04 March 2020) followed by placement day on 06 March 2020.

During the whole session, trainers facilitated and trained participants in brainstorming, writing, sharing, listening and developing outstanding examples of career and job opportunities, CV/Cover letter, and interview skills. By the end of the training, students of Texas became more confident about writing their CV/Resume and tackling interview questions and were ready for the Placement Day.

On 6 March hundreds of students faced placement interview and nearly half of the candidates were offered second round interviews by the companies. The placement day was filled with passionate interviews, excitement and job offer where dozens of prominent corporate organizations has participated. It was fruitful to graduating Texasians who are going to start their career in the real job market.